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Welcome to the HAUS of Healthy Living where

healing is achieved using the 

simplicity ofhealthy living.

I was experiencing fatigue, headache and flu like symptoms and they were gone within 24 hours of starting the covid support pack and I continue to take them to boost my immune system and feel great. I have a compromised immune system from chemo and am most grateful for this booster.

Delighted Customer
AntiViral + Immune Blends

I woke up feeling lethargic with body aches. I was feeling achy and had a headache; I took a dose of the Covid pack every 2 hours and the next morning I felt awesome. Recovered

Delighted Customer
AntiViral + Immune Blends

In these horrific times, there’s has to be a trust factor in your health care decisions. The owner and creator of these formulas came highly recommended to me and has proven history of successfully healing immune challenges. Let’s give it a go because today, I can admit to feeling better.

Delighted Customer
AntiViral + Immune Blends

The product does exactly what it’s intended to do support the immune system. The taste istolerable and it just gives me the extra boost before getting myday started. I take one drop in the am and one in the pm . When I’m all out I’ll be purchasing more even when this covid-19 is over because I am immune compromised.

Delighted Customer
AntiViral + Immune Blends

The Obama

22000 Grand River Avenue Suite 300 Detroit, Michigan 48219

Business Hours

Tuesday - Saturday

11 a.m. - 7 p.m.

Sunday - Monday
